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Hi Steve
I wanted to draw your attention to my thread here
I’ve been told you would be the best person to answer my question
Hallo, ich bin neu hier und habe gleich ein Problem. Vor kurzem habe ich mir eine sehr gut erhalte Enicar Chronograph mit dem cal. Valjoux 92 gekauft. Leider habe ich festgestellt, daß auf dem Zifferblatt das Saturn Zeichen fehlt. Kann mir jemand darüber etwas weiterhelfen.
Hello there
New member here but I currently have a Gerhard Mitter in for a service and it will be for sale upon its return if you are still interested please msg me.
Hey if you need that Enicar Sherpa Jet crystal, please let me know. I have one that I mistakingly ordered thinking it was for a Sherpa Super Jet.

I’ll sell it to you for $50 plus shipping costs to you address

Watchmakers Collection
Hi David,

I have the Super Jet. The other member clarified that the ref I provided was for the Super Jet. The Crystal is 36.60mm in diameter. If your crystal is that size then that might work. But I believe the normal Sherpa Jet is smaller.